19-26 February 2023





Volunteering for the festival gives you free admission and, in case there are seats left, to the concerts on Friday and Saturday as well as tickets entitling you to eat from the sandwich smorgasbord once a day. Coffee and tea are complementary. All volunteers work a total of around 8 hours total before, during or after the festival, depending on the group. This year we plan to distribute the volunteer groups during the fall and all of the groups will be filled as we receive applications. You will then be contacted by your group leader in December, so therefore it's good to register well in advance so that you are sure to get a place.

Volunteers who participate in the work concerning Umefolk 2023 are required to register for and attend a mandatory information meeting on Thursday, February 23rd between 18.00 - 19.00 at Umeå Folkets Hus.


There are a lot of volunteers at the festival, about 100 people help out every year making Umefolk a success. To organise it all efficiently we divide up the tasks inte smaller volunteer groups, each with it's own group leader responsible and in charge of scheduling you and the different tasks.

Below you see the different groups. The volunteer coordinator or your group leader will contact you in December after we've divided up the volunteers. We can't guarantee you your first choice, but we'll try our best.

For information send an email to volontarumefolk@gmail.com

The Volunteer Groups:

During the weeks before the festival you'll help put up our wonderful festival posters! 

Artist Transportation
You will help drive the artists to and from the airport, bus station and train station, and to/from where they're staying. Other volunteer groups can need help as well. The festival rents a few cars but it can be good if you can help out with your own car. A driver's license is required for this group.

The Backline group helps carry and transport equipment to the venue, Folkets Hus, and makes sure all backline is at the right stage at the right time. The group works before, during and after the festival. Some heavy lifting is involved, so you need to be healthy and over 18. It's an advantage if you have a driver's license.

Decoration and signs

This group is responsible for creating nice and clear signs at Folkets hus and making the premises extra attractive and cozy. Most of the work involves the set-up before the festival and then take-down and clean up on Saturday night. 

Main Entrance

As an entrance volunteer, you are the visitors' first impression of the festival. You welcome the visitors, check tickets and organize a smooth entry.

Spotlight operator

You are mainly responsible for operating a spotlight in the Idun theater - mainly during Allspelet on Friday but also during some certain both Friday and Saturday. You will also need to be generally helpful during the concerts. You will receive on-site training from our lighting technician, so it’s important that you attend the rehearsals before the Allspelet, at least during the day on Friday.

Merchandise shop

Upstairs, in the heart of everything that happens. Sales of artists' records, festival shirts and other fun products. Lots of contact with festival attendees!


In the office, you will assist our wonderful artists in the best possible way, supply volunteers with armbands, and answer visitors' questions. A couple of doors will need to be guarded sometimes. This is also where guests check in to their lodging accomodations and things like course binders are found.

Courses and workshops

Here you help prepare the classrooms and welcome participants.

Mass accommodation

Help set up approximately eight classrooms and the gym on Friday afternoon, with restoration and light cleaning on Sunday between 11/12.00-15.00.

Stage hosts

Stage hosts make sure that the concert hall is tidy and must keep an eye on the performances making sure that there is, for example, water for the artists. On the smaller stages, they welcome the artists up to the stage and introduce them before the concert, which may require some preparation. The sound engineer at Idun needs help with rolling up microphone cables and the like during some concerts, and at some concerts at the Studion, help is needed with carrying equipment to and from the stage to prepare the scene for the next artist. All presentations are in Swedish.